
PARTNERS & certification

PNSD Rosella Hightower has developed artistic, academic, scientific and institutional partnerships to implement its educational project and facilitate professional insertion for its students.

Institutional Partners

PNSD Rosella Hightower is supported by the French State through the Ministry of Culture and the DRAC PACA (Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs), the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Region, as well as the cities of Cannes and Mougins. It is associated with the cultural and artistic initiatives of its partners through Cultural and Artistic Education (EAC) programmes.

PNSD Rosella Hightower is a member of the Erasmus+ programme.

The acquisition of technical equipment was jointly funded by France Relance and the Next Generation EU programme.

financement conjoint Plan de relance de l’Etat et Programme Next generation EU.JPG

Artistic Partners

The school has established close collaborations with professional companies, other higher dance schools locally and internationally, and structures of artistic dissemination: theatres, festivals, competitions and prizes.

Some of the major partners of the PNSD Rosella Hightower include: Ballet National de Marseille, Ballet Preljocaj, Ballet Opéra Grand Avignon, Ballets de Monte Carlo, La Parenthèse dance company, Hervé Koubi dance company, Conservatory of Cannes, Regional Conservatory of Nice, Codarts, Canada’s National Ballet School, Piste d’Azur in La Roquette-sur-Siagne, Prix de Lausanne and Youth America Grand Prix – for which PNSD is a partner school - as well as Cannes Palais des Festivals, Scène 55 in Mougins, Cannes Dance Festival and Opera of Nice Côte d'Azur.

As part of the Erasmus Programme, the PNSD Rosella Hightower is also a partner of several professional or higher dance schools in Europe, facilitating mobility for students as well as educational or administrative staff. Regarding internships for its students, PNSD Rosella Hightower can rely on a network of more than 70 dance companies in France and Europe.

Educational and University Partners

The PNSD Rosella Hightower is the partner of Collège International and Lycée International de Valbonne, which contribute to the education of students registered at PNSD from year 7 through the French Baccalaureate.

The Principals at CIV in 2023-2024 are :
Mme Vittaz Karine, Headmistress ;
Mme Caboche Emilie, High School Assistant Principal ;
Mme Dupuits Axelle, Middle School Assistant Principal.

The PNSD is also a member of Université Côte d’Azur – UCA (component institution since 2024), of the EUR Healthy and EUR Creates. It is also a part of the college of Art and Design Schools alongside Villa d’Arson, ESRA, Sustainable Design School, CRR in Nice, CIRM, and EARCM.
Students studying for the DNSP at the PNSD simultaneously pursue a professional Bachelor’s Degree in Sound and Image Techniques – Ingemedia specialisation, as part of an agreement with Université Toulon Var.

Other Partners

The PNSD Rosella Hightower is a partner of AMDR Danse, an association that operates the Health Centre located on our campus.

The PNSD Rosella Hightower is a member of the National Association of Higher Education Institutions in Artistic Creation for Performing Arts (Association Nationale d’Etablissements d’enseignement Supérieur de la Création artistique Arts de la Scène – ANESCAS).

Furthermore, the PNSD has several commercial partners : Danséa and the Privilège Appart-Hôtel at Domaine de Mai.

Institutional Education Quality Certification