

Earning the Higher National Diploma in Professional Dance Performance through Validation of Acquired Experience (VAE).

The Validation of Acquired Experience is defined by French legislation under the Act L-2002-73 dated 17th January 2002 which establishes that « any person engaged in professional life has a right to validate acquired experience, notably professional experience, to achieve a diploma, a professional title, or a qualification certificate (…) registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications».

  • You can start a process of Validation of Acquired Experience at the PNSD to gain the Higher National Diploma in Professional Dance Performance
  • PNSD offers the Validation of Acquired Experience for the obtention of the State Diploma in Dance Education More information.

A national reform of the validation of acquired experience (VAE) procedure for all professions is underway. A single space, France VAE, bringing together candidates and VAE professionals around a new system that has been modernised, simplified and made more secure by law no. 2022-1598 of 21 December 2022, is now available. Because of its gradual roll-out, not all diplomas are yet covered by France VAE.
Diplomas that have not yet been integrated, including the diplôme national supérieur professionnel du danseur from the Ministry of Culture, will continue to be processed by each establishment until at least December 2024.

The Rosella Hightower PNSD will decide by the end of April 2024 whether to launch a campaign for the year 2024-25.
More information

What is VAE about ?

Obtaining a certification through one’s experience : any individual, regardless of age, nationality, status or academic level, who can demonstrate at least 1 year of experience directly related to the target certification, is eligible to apply for the VAE. This certification, which can be a diploma, a professional title, or qualification, must be listed in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP).

The VAE is not:

  • an automatic conversion of experience into certification
  • actual training

It is different from :

  • the Validation of professional experience, also known as « VAP de 1985 »
  • the Validation of Higher Education Studies, also known as « VES »

What is it aimed for ?

  • Obtaining a certification
  • Aligning one’s certification with one’s level of responsibility
  • Validating one’s experience for oneself
  • Gaining recognition for one’s skills
  • Earning a qualification level that opens access to a higher level of education or eligibility to apply for an examination
  • Changing careers
  • Evolve professionally, or obtaining a raise or promotion
  • Build one’s self-confidence

How does it work ?

You are expected to submit a dossier describing your experience to the certifying authority (namely PNSD). Depending on the certification, you will either be placed in a professional situation or required to present your dossier before a jury. In both cases, the jury will interview you and will take a decision between full, partial, or refusal of validation accordingly. The whole process takes between eight and twelve months, from defining to validation before the jury.

The certification thus obtained through VAE has equal value to the one obtained through formal training.

Impulsing a request for VAE is not merely a formality. Instead, it requires full engagement and motivation on the part of the applicant to fulfil this challenge.

If you are an employee, you may request assistance from your employer. However, at no time are you required to inform your employer of the process.

Find out more about the stages of the VAE

1. Defining your project
2. Collecting information
3. Being eligible – submission of your first dossier
4. Preparing for validation
5. Final assessment

A VAE process must be planned over time. Consider using a dashboard summarising all the steps.

What is DNSP Dancer about ?

The DNSP Dancer validates the acquisition of knowledge, as well as professional and general skills corresponding to a career as a dancer. The DNSPD is listed in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) as a Bachelor’s Degree (Bac+3, level II).

Find information on the VAE process :

OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS ON DNSP (Higher National Diploma in Professional Dance Performance)

Pass rates for the Validation of Acquired Experience in obtaining the DNSP Dancer qualification over the past 4 years :

Year 2022
Total validation: 100% (9 candidates).

Year 2021
Total validation: 83.3%.
Partial validation: 16.7%.

Year 2020
Total validation: 100%.

Year 2019
Total validation: 100%.

Satisfaction rate : 59 continuing education trainees in 2021-2022 at PNSD Rosella Hightower with an overall approval rate of 84.60%.

PNSD Rosella Hightower is attentive to any specific requests in case of disability, in order to facilitate your participation in our training. Please contact our Disability Coordinator.